Innovation & Data Visualization

Terra Analytics was founded to enhance decision-making through advanced data visualization and analyses.

Out-perform your competition by making prudent decisions, faster, and with greater confidence, through a deeper understanding of data dependencies and relationships. Ask the right questions that lead to true team collaboration. Little things really do make a big difference!


  • Team collaboration and cross-segment integration

  • Technical liaison and project leadership

  • Data Analysis of big data and multi-relational databases

  • Hydrogeological analysis

  • Environmental forensic investigations 

  • Technical communication

  • Advanced 3D geophysical data color processing and 3D geobody analysis

  • Petroleum reservoir characterization

  • Geological 2D and 3D Mapping

  • Geological property modeling

  • Groundwater modeling and geochemical analysis

  • Technical writing and mentoring

  • Innovative problem solving to stretch a limited budget

  • Clear presentations of technical data to executive decision-makers